SuperSpice Specifications Feature Tables Worst Case Analysis
Edit Schematic, Simulate, View Waveform, Probe Signal, Design Cycle SuperSpice 's philosophy is centered around the edit schematic, run simulation, view waveforms, probe signals, view waveforms, edit schematic cycle. All key issues have been automated. You can effortlessly modify the schematic, rerun and inspect new waveforms without having to reload graphs, or fiddle about with cursors. Data readout is immediately the mouse locks onto the waveform. Simulation Features DC Analysis - Sweeps of voltage/current against voltage/current and resistance. Operating Points - Circuit bias voltages and currents displayed on the schematic. AC Analysis - Sweeps of voltage/current against frequency. Transient Analysis - Sweeps of voltage/current against time. Noise Analysis - Sweeps of ein/oen against frequency. Distortion Analysis (THD/IMD) - Sweeps of distortion against frequency. Pole-Zero Analysis - Tabulation of the poles and zeros of transfer functions. FFT - IFFT - Fourier Transforms and Inverse Fourier Transforms. Temperature Analysis - Sweeps of voltage/current against temperature. Note: All analogue simulation run types can be enabled simultaneously so that all graph/run types can be displayed each in separate graphs at once. Simulation Control of the Analysis Types Multiple Temperature runs of all analysis types. Re-Runs - Multiple dimension component parameter runs of all analysis types, that is, any number of components and temperature can be varied automatically. Automatic generation of parameter ReRuns. - Lists of components with their values can be specified and runs will be made using all combinations of those components and their values. Multiple Worst Case Model runs of all analysis types. Monte Carlo - random variation of R, L, C's and device parameters. Waveform Calculator Professional, Advanced I.C. Mosfet Model Support General IC Design Support SuperSpice has the relevant hooks to support generic analogue I.C. design. Worst Case re-runs using Strong/Fast, Nominal/Normal and Weak/Slow models over max min and nominal temperatures, are supported with simple button presses. In addition, reasonable default models are also provided when this information is not available. Extensive support for BiCMOS I..C. design is specifically provided for. BSim3.3 Mosfet AD AD PS PD NRS NRD parameters are automatically calculated from the HSpice parameter hdif, and the Spice rsh parameter. These can be individually enabled to account for merged/butting devices. Direct schematic editing and display of L, W and M (number of parallel devices multiplier) is also fully supported. SuperSpice is the least expensive commercial simulator supporting all of these features, most other low cost simulators can not, realistically, be used for i.c. design applications due to the lack of these key features. Extended support for VDMOS/MOS1 devices such as, non-linear capacitors, subthreshold current and quasi-saturation. BSim3.3 The current BSim3 mosfet model is the Berkeley BSim3.3.2.4 version released on 21st December 2001. This is Level=8. Model Binning SuperSpice will automatically select the correct model appropriate to the width and length of individual mosfets using the HSpice name.1, name.2 type syntax. BSim4.8 The current BSim4 mosfet model is the Berkeley BSim4.8 version released on November 1st, 2013 . This is Level=14. This model is targeted at deep sub-micron devices such as 130nm, 90nm, 65nm, 45nm/40nm, 26nm/23nm. HiSimHV Hiroshima University STARC IGFET Model - high voltage BSIMSOI The current BSimSoi mosfet model is the Berkeley BSimSoi2.2.2 version released in March 2002 This is Level=9. GP-VBIC Both the standard spice Gummel-Poon model, and the more modern Vertical Bipolar Intercompany Vertical model are supported. Ref: http://www.designers-guide.org/VBIC/
Direct Wire and Pin Probing Currents and voltages are immediately available. Alt-click on wire or pin to plot voltage, current or spice device power. i.e. the analog currents and voltages are available without any prior placement of voltmeters and current meters on the schematic. This includes nested hierarchical schematics and the pin currents of sub-circuit blocks and schematics. Probe mode - Selectable probe mode allows plot probing without Alt modifier. Docked and Visible Signal List Test Points Test point dragging on to a component, wire or pin to display power, voltage and current waveforms. This is a post simulation feature, test point do not need to be placed prior to running the simulation. Waveform Data Readout Direct waveform data readout that locks on to the waveform with no holding down of the mouse button. Magnitude and phase data displayed simultaneously when cursor is locked onto magnitude data only. This takes much of the the tedium out of obtaining gain and phase margins. Plot any voltage or current Plot any available voltage or current against any other voltage or current. You are not restricted to just frequency and time. Marching Waveforms Waveforms can be plotted in real time as the simulation progresses. In addition, the simulation can also be paused and continued. Interactive Real-Time Component Changes Components can be changed in real-time as the simulation progresses. Modern Docking Treed File Browser Explorer type docking file browser that allows easy and immediate placing of symbols onto the schematic, either via its symbol type or model type, with a simple double-click. Waveform-On-Schematics Graphs can be placed on the schematic page as well as on dedicated graph windows. Back Annotation Back annotation (i.e. labeling) of schematics with DC operating voltages and currents. Full Hierarchical (nested) and Multipage Circuit Design. Hierarchical means that subcircuit blocks can contain other subcircuit blocks, which can contain other subcircuit blocks. In addition, schematics can contain schematic blocks and subcircuits, which can contain other schematic blocks and subcircuits , which can contain other schematic blocks and subcircuits, which can contain subcircuit blocks and schematics etc... Views and Pages Multiple schematic pages and multiple views of the same schematic at different positions and zooms are also supported. Graphical Symbol Editor to create new symbols. Automatic generation of symbols from schematics. Automatic generation of symbols for subckts and models. Automatic generation of .subckt models from schematics. Several designs can be loaded and run at the same time. For example, whilst a very long simulation is in progress, you can keep running other shorter ones thereby maximizing your available time. Standard spice models are automatically attached to symbols. Simple button presses and drag and drop are used to attach manufactures subckt models to symbols. There are no propriety import/export features. Automatic "go to wiring mode" when the mouse cursor is near pins, eliminates, in most cases, the requirement for additional "draw wire" button presses. Two terminal components such as resistors, capacitors and inductors can be inserted directly into wires with the original wire being automatically broken. Delete, Copy, Paste between schematics etc.. Copy Schematics and Waveforms to Windows clipboard for pasting into other applications such as M.S. Word etc. Last setups automatically saved and loaded, including main Window and toolbar positions. Modifiable Toolbars. - Add/Remove and rearrange toolbar buttons. Design Reports Various automated text design reports such as max and min voltages, currents and power from dc, worst case, parameter and temp sweep runs. This includes worst case reports of the loop gain and pulse analysis features. Advanced Device Designer Device Designer allows for the direct design of component values based on the required operating voltages and currents. This is in contrast to alternative Spice analysis based applications which require all component values to be specified first. Advanced Loop Gain SuperSpice is the easiest of all spice simulators to plot the loop gain of a feedback loop. Simply place a voltage source in series with the loop, select this source as the loop gain source in the AC setup dialog, enable loop gain and run. Gain and phase will be automatically plotted. Gain margin, phase margin, unity gain frequency and zero phase frequency will also be automatically calculated and displayed with no other user input. Advanced Impedance SuperSpice is the easiest of all spice simulators to plot either input or output impedance. Place a voltage source on the schematic, tell the GUI it is an impedance source, and impedance at that point will be automatically calculated and plotted. Rise, fall, width, period, delay for pulses can be automatically calculated for each run with no other user intervention once set up in the SuperSpice GUI. No scripts are required to use this feature. Advanced Transient Power Analysis Average power during transient runs is immediately available and displayed by moving the mouse over the component. Setup is all via a simple GUI. No scripts are required to use this feature. Advanced Transient Signal Analysis Signal attributes such as mean, rms, pk-pk and rms ripple can all be calculated and displayed automatically. Setup is all via a simple GUI. No scripts are required to use this feature. Further more, the value of dc and transient power is displayed whenever the mouse is over a component. PS JFET level=2 Model SuperSpice supports the standard spice3 jfet model and the much improved ps jfet by Anthony Parker and D. J. Skellern, Department of Electronics, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia for Collaborative Research and Development Resistor Model Extensions Direct support of Thermistors. Two types are supported, exponential, and Steinhart - Hart. Resistance can be set to be a function of the square root of frequency. Resistance can be set to have different values for AC and Transient runs. Nonlinear Magnetic Cores SuperSpice contains two Magnetic Core algorithms. 1 Standard XSpice core model as implemented in many XSpice based simulators. This model uses a piecewise linear->nonlinear technique and supports either a hysteretic or nonlinear mode, but not both modes at once. The hysteretic feature is of limited value as it behaves like a digital Schmitt trigger. 2 AnaSoft's propriety implementation of the John Chan model, IEEE Transactions On Computer-Aided Design, Vol. 10. No. 4, April 1991. This model uses smooth curves and can simultaneously model both hysteresis and core saturation. More information on this model can be found in the SuperSpice Windows Help. PCB Support PCB netlists compatible with a variety of PCB layout packages can be generated. Currently the following formats are supported: Orcad Protel Tango Eagle PCLogic Fantastic Filter Design The Fantastic Filter window allow easy automated design and placement of that design on to the schematic. Standard filter type component values are automatically calculated, and then the complete design can be placed onto the schematic page ready for a normal spice simulation run. Both High and Low Pass Ladders and Opamp Salen-Key filters are supported for all filter types, up to 17th order (excepting Butterworth which is valid to any order) The following filter types are supported: Butterworth TchebychevBessel Gaussian Electronic Equations Electronic calculations such as RLC tuned circuits, inductor and capacitor slew rates can be quickly calculated directly, without using a spice run, with the purpose built calculator. XSpice Mixed Mode Simulation The SuperSpice spice engine utilizes the industry standard XSpice code from Georgia Technology Research Institute, which in turn is an extension of Spice3 from the EE and Computer Science Department at Berkeley, CA. XSpice has a number of enhancements compared to the base Spice3 code. In addition it forms the base code of approximately 75% of all other Windows Spice products. Automatic A/D and D/A conversion Unlike some other simulators, SuperSpice can automatically and transparently, insert analogue to digital and digital to analog interfaces between the analogue and digital signals. XSpice Model Extensions "XSPICE provides a rich set of predefined code models in addition to the standard discrete device models available in SPICE. The XSPICE code model library contains over 40 new functional blocks including summers, multipliers, differentiators, integrators, magnetic models, voltage controlled oscillators, piecewise linear controlled sources, limiters, S-domain transfer functions, digital gates, digital storage elements, and a generalized digital state-machine." Convergence improvements have also been made with the addition of automatic Gmin stepping, source stepping and the option of R shunt to all nodes. Event-Driven Digital Simulation "Digital functions are simulated in XSPICE through an embedded event-driven algorithm added to the SPICE core. This algorithm is coordinated with the analog simulation algorithm to provide fast and accurate simulation of mixed-signal circuits and systems. The event-driven algorithm supports a new "User-Defined Node" capability allowing additional event-driven data types to be defined and used. XSPICE comes with a 12-state digital data type as well as a user-defined node library that includes 'real' and 'integer' types useful in simulating sampled-data systems such as digital signal processing algorithms." Customer Quotes Some, quotes from real users of SuperSpice about SuperSpice , unedited. "I must say, I am very impressed with this program. You've really accomplished quite a lot. I really can't remember any other purchase I've made like this that I felt as productive as quickly" "Downloaded SuperSpice a few days ago and have to congratulate you. It's great, almost no learning time, being an analog designer of the old school I find very easy and intuitive." "..., and I must say, I am impressed. Nice one Kevin" "I downloaded it earlier this evening and I must say you
have the user "First off, let me say that I have downloaded a demo version of SuperSpice, and I LOVE THIS PROGRAM... " "I have downloaded your SuperSpice Demo version and I am quite surprised in how well it works, specially with tubes. (Very few spice programs work well with tubes as you surely know) I find that for my pupils it is much easier to use than for example Orcad`s Spice. It is very intuitive, even if the pupils don't know English. Good Job." "Totally everything seems to be there and to hand on the one screen. The 'intensity' is exactly what I need. For me, there is nothing more annoying than having to dig down through numerous sub-levels to get at what I want." "It is simply amazing how you diligently work on even the simplest customer inquiry. You do a great job with SuperSpice and I greatly appreciate it." "Personally, the biggest difference I find is that the SS Spice is *fun* to use. Everything is there, ready and waiting and a 'real' circuit can be quickly built from the supplied library components. The prog offers wide control of it's defaults and the circuit drawing and simulation are straightforward."
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